... Moving half way around the world is not as interesting as you think ...
Q: When did you know you wanted to make alyiah?
A: Once I heard the word "Israel."
Q: When is the first time you came to Israel? How old were you?
A: 2009 on my high school semester abroad program, NFTY-EIE (Read about it here). Fifteen.
Q: When did you decide to become religious?
A: I didn't... I accidentally fell into a skirt. (Read about it here).
Q: What's the hardest thing about becoming relgious?
A: Aside from the 613 commandments? Nothing!
(Shomer Niggiah- So not ready for that yet).
Q: How did your parents take it?
A: My brother became religious before me so in some ways it was easier. However, he wasn't living home at the time, so I guess the biggest challenge was bringing "observance" to the house (different dishes, I finally started wearing skirts, going out to eat became complicated). But after a while, my parents are happy we are happy (Agree to disagree).
Q: How did your friends take it?
A: Almost every single one of them are crazy supportive. The best compliment I ever got was by one of them, admiring how I had found a direction in life and followed through with it.
Q: What are your political views on---
A: ---Torah. My views on EVERYTHING is Torah. However, in America, I'd like to stress I said Torah (and not "Bible" or "Old Testament")- 100% original text. In Israel, I am a Religious Zionist wannabe kibbutznik.
Colours: Just not yellow or orange
Activities: Painting, drawing, hiking
Place: Israel
Classes: History, Art
Books: As a Driven Leaf, Kite Runner, Book Thief